Tough surface that resists shattering, scratches and abrasions
Outstanding Cleanability
Cleans easily with regular detergents and water
Easy to install and maintain
Improves Health and Indoor Air quality
Manufactured on an ISO 9001 Certified plant (TÜV Rhineland of North America, lnc.; Certificate Registration No. 74 300 3629)
Certified Product under Greenguard and Greenguard Gold criteria (Certificates Number: 23966-410 and 23966-420)
Meets USDA/FSIS requirements
Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Agriculture Canada approved
Meets minimum requirements of major model building codes for Class C interior wall and ceiling finishes of flame spread ≤ 200, smoke developed index 450 or less (per ASTM E84)
Mold & Mildew Resistant per ASTM D3273 and D3274 tests